Thanks to my good friend Amber. Thanks Amber for having an amazing camera. Thanks Megan for your super counting skills and talents at making a U. Thanks to me for the cool ideas. Thanks to Milin and Judy for taking the time all those years ago to make 3 Amigos costumes. Who knew I would need it some 6 years later? Thanks to the state of Wyoming for selling fireworks year round and for not reporting people who buy them and smuggle them across the border to Utah.
I had to take some pictures for my homework using different kinds of flash photography. Here is what we did.
So this is actually done all in the same shot. What you do is put the camera in a dark room. Amber's camera has a setting where the shutter will stay open for 15 seconds, 30 seconds, or 60 seconds. With the camera in the dark room, your subject stands in one position (that's me on the left) and you shine a light on the subject. Because the shutter is open for 15 seconds, it records what flashes in the light. We then turned the light off, and I moved to the middle and Amber flashed the light on again. Etcetera, etcetera. Megan has wicked good counting skills and was able to help Amber time it just right.
This is done with sparklers. Yes, I did use a whole lot of matches to get them started because the wind kept blowing them out, but I finally got it done. I thought it was kind of cool.
Here we were just playing around. Sparklers and cameras are so fun! Who knew the things you could do? Thanks to whoever invented the digital camera and for Amber for buying a good digital camera that does what I need it to do.